Parable Of The Sower And Invisible Man Essay

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Whether its preparing for one’s community to crumble or one’s inability to escape the past, we see in both Parable of the Sower and Invisible Man how different characters react to change. Where as some characters embrace it, some seek to avoid it or use it for their own personal gain. Most if not all of characters in the novels previously mentioned express their own individual reactions to change. However, for the sake of this analysis, Lauren and Dr. Bledsoe will be the characters primarily inspected on. This is because both of these characters display drastically different traits with regards to how they respond to the change encroaching upon their individuality. For how one deals with change, in turn, affects their actions toward obstacles in their society. In the case of both of the novels mentioned, that obstacle is oppression. One must analyze how this change towards or against oppression originates in each of the novels. From there, one must examine how the characters of Lauren and Dr. Bledsoe react to this societal change, and whether or not their reactions are justifiable in counteracting oppression. Only by doing so can one see from both points of view on …show more content…

For in Octavia Butler’s novel, the poorest of the citizens are predominantly colored. Many of the squatters in the streets, or people migrating are of an ethnic minority or of mixed heritage. Therefore, one can conclude that this oppressive society is not strictly imposed onto Lauren’s ethnicity, but every other non-Anglo European citizen. One can argue that Butler’s world is progressing toward a neo-segregated America. Where slavery of the ethnic minority is returning, and the migration of colored citizens to the north has returned, harkening back to the period of reconstruction. This change back to a segregated society is arguably the opposite as to what is happening in Invisible

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