Paper Towns

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Paper Towns by John Green is Edgar Award winning young adult literature about two friends who have drifted apart throughout the years and things don’t go as planned when the reconnect many years later. I chose this fantastic novel, because I am a fan of the author, John Green. The novel takes place in a Florida suburb. The antagonist of our story states that these suburbs are “paper towns,” because nothing in the town is real. The citizens don’t know what else is out there and are always worried about the future. A paper town has a double meaning. It also gives us a clue to where the antagonist hides out during the novel. It is discovered in the book that paper towns is a name for copyrighted maps. On these maps there would be towns that never existed that showed where the origin of the map was from. These towns became known as “Paper Towns.” The story follows two high school seniors coming up on their fast approaching graduation day. One night Margo Roth Speigalman climbs through Quentin Jacobsen’s window and asks him to come on her escapade of revenge. After their night of fun and vengeance Quentin thinks everything will change, but Margo Roth Speigalman has disappeared. Quentin feels that Margo wants him to find her and sets out on a journey to find his lost love. Quentin Jacobsen thinks that everyone gets a miracle. What was his miracle? Quentin’s miracle was that he lived next door to the most beautiful, enigmatic, and intelligent being, Margo Roth Speigalman. Since the age of nine, Quentin has been infatuated with Margo, but in an unexpected turn of events Margo becomes distant. At nine years old both children travel to their neighborhood park, Jefferson Park. There they find the body of a man named Robert Joyner who com... ... middle of paper ... ... interesting. Not to mention my love for John Green’s style of writing. Overall, I was left wanting more and turning the page every chance I got. John Green continued my love for his unique story telling with this new novel, has expanded my thoughts, and has helped me realize that my actions will come back to haunt me and might even hurt those I love. Paper Towns has taught me many lessons about life, love, and enjoying others while their still around and not to take any moment for granted. The characters were well developed. The plot was interesting, new, and gave a fresh new outlook to many things. Overall it was an expertly put together novel; a novel that I could read again and again. Like I said before, I fell in love with this book, the mysterious Margo, The quiet and shy Quentin, the outrageous Ben and Radar, and the words that brought them all to life.

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