Panoramic Image Essay

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The panoramic image is a radiographic image that is taken using an extraoral receptor that is positioned outside of the mouth. It has become the standard extraoral image used to survey the patient’s oral and facial structures. The purpose of this image is to provide the dental radiographer an overall view of the maxilla and the mandible on a single projection. A dentist may use a panoramic image to evaluate the following: the dentition and supporting structures, impacted teeth, eruption patterns, growth and development, extent of large lesions, or trauma. (Iannucci, 2017) It may also be used to detect diseases, lesions and conditions of the jaw. Although this image is very useful it does not provide the clinician with as defined or sharp images as intraoral projection. Therefore, a pano. should not be used to diagnose caries, periodontal disease, or periapical lesions. (Iannucci, 2017) A diagnostic panoramic image should contain the following anatomic structure: dentition, teeth arranged in a smile like curve with all crowns and apices seen, the ramus and cervical spine, the nasal cavity and maxillary sinus, the body of the mandible, the …show more content…

The real image results when a structure lies between the receptor and the moving rotation center, it appears in the correct anatomic location. A double image occurs when the anatomic structure is behind the focal trough, an example of this is the hyoid bone, it appears twice on the resultant image. A ghost image occurs when an object is outside the focal trough and close to the x-ray source, it will resemble its true image and is found on the opposite side of the receptor. This can occur with metal objects like an earring or an anatomical structure like the ramus of the mandible. Often times the ghost image makes the resultant pano. image undiagnostic because it obscures important anatomical

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