Pankhurst vs Fawcett

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The woman suffrage movement is an influential mark on european history. Emmeline Pankhurst is a notable British suffrage leader through her founding of the Women’s Social and Political Union and radical “deeds”. Millicent Fawcett is also a notable British suffrage leader of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, and known for her peaceful and “law-abiding” campaigns. Both of these women were influential to history because of their different ideas on how women should have the same rights and equal standing as men. Emmeline Pankhurst is most distinguished for her establishment of the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU). With the WSPU’s motto being “deeds, not words”, the organization was mostly focused on getting the public’s attention towards the movement of legalizing women’s right to vote through acts of radical demonstrations. Many members of the organization were arrested during these rallies, leading to their own prison hunger strikes in retaliation. Most of these women were then force fed, at least, up until the Cat and Mouse Act of 1913, where malnourished wom...

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