Pancakes with Soy Sauce: Farewell to Manzanar

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From The Phantom of the Opera to A Child Called It, literature is full of woeful tales containing characters waiting for a compassionate soul to understand and sympathize with them. Farewell to Manzanar is one such book. It is a sorrowful tale of hypocrisy, shame, and stolen freedom which is best viewed with a condoling heart. Though this may initially seem a work of fiction, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston presents in this book not only an autobiography, but also a very acurate portrait of events as they occurred. Jeanne is a seven year old Japanese girl living with her parents and seven out of nine siblings. They live happily on the West Coast and have a nice, cozy house in a good neighborhood, until the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Jeannie’s dad is sent to an interrogation camp up north and the rest of family, along with several other million Japanese people, are sent to an internment camp known as Manzanar. The conditions there are minimalistic and degrading while the barracks are small and over-populated. Follow Jeanne’s story as she goes through some very trying times and learns less...

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