Palestinian Women And Education

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On the other hand, despite the challenges and the difficulties, many Palestinian women believe in education`s priority before finding a husband and building a family. Education for Palestinian women is self-value constructive and an awareness creator (Velloso, 1996).
Women`s Participation in Education
There had been and increase in the Palestinian women participation in education in 2006-2007, the number of the females enrolled was 548,781 versus 548,314 males with higher rates of enrollment in higher education. It is important to note that there had been an increase in the years from 2007—2015 in Palestinian women degree holders who were 6.6% compared with 9.8% of men during the academic year 2006-2007 (CIA, world fact book).
Palestinian Women …show more content…

The Palestinian women overall literacy level is 98.9% and increasing, as Palestine is a leader in gender education parity. Logically, due to cultural and societal reasons, the females’ enrollment in the MENA Region is lower than boys. Despite this fact, Palestinian women increase in the educational attainment is not associated with the improvement in the social status, which leads to the lack of full participation at the society level. It is associated with their motivation and will for success. Importantly, the lack of investment in Palestinian women`s capabilities influenced the economy and the society` production.
On another note, the participation of Palestinian women in training and education is lower than boys. Additionally, girls’ participation in vocational training and education is 29 percent lower that boys compared to 71 percent for boys. While Palestinian women and girls tend to share in traditional subjects such as sewing, weaving, knitting, embroidery, nursing and secretarial work, females are more attracted to non traditional industries newer courses.
Palestinian Women Education and the Labor …show more content…

Their education thrived through the years and the commitment to education resulted in a combined male and female gross enrollment ratio of 82.4% for primary, secondary and tertiary education. It is important to mention that the pool of motivated and educated women who are well prepared is sufficient to contribute to the society. However, due to marginalization and gender inequality, many developmental opportunities were lost despite the impressive resumes of academic accomplishments of many Palestinian women. Despite that, fact Palestinian women remain to be the most educated women in the Middle East/North Africa (MENA)

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