PTSD In Shutter Island

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Internal Drowning Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is known as a condition that includes mental as well as emotional stress due to past events or psychological trauma. Some results of PTSD include vivid nightmares and flashbacks, difficult times concentrating, feeling as if things around you are not real, and turning to alcohol as a coping mechanism. In the film Shutter Island directed by Martin Scorsese the protagonist Teddy Daniels suffers from all the symptoms of PTSD due to his traumatic encounters during the Second World War. Through the psychoanalytical and the formalistic approach Teddy’s PTSD is reflected in symbols throughout the film. Due to Teddy’s PTSD, he suffers from severe hallucinations that drive him further away from his true self. He also has very vivid flashbacks that remind him of his most traumatic experiences in the past. Also as a result of Teddy’s PTSD due his …show more content…

Throughout the film, it is clear that Teddy Daniels has a fear of water, also known as aquaphobia. Later, the audience learns that this phobia was created due to the traumatic experience of Teddy finding all three of his children drowned in the lake by the hands of their mother Dolores, which impacts his PTSD greatly. Teddy has a fear of water based on the incident that happened in his past that he is trying to suppress. The murder of his three children has resulted in Teddy’s fear of water. With that, water is a major symbol throughout the film. Water surrounds Shutter Island, water separates Teddy from discovering what really happens in the lighthouse, a violent storm takes place. Water also symbolizes the barrier between sanity and insanity. Moreover, Water also distorts the image of Teddy reality and how Teddy is blocking out the past of his reality. This all symbolizes how water serves to keep Teddy Daniels on the island and distances Teddy from realizing whom he truly is, Andrew

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