Ozone Layer Depletion Essay

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Ozone Layer Depletion

In the 21st century, some major issues have emerged along with the advancement of science and technology, ozone layer depletion is one of them. Ozone layer depletion has become a worldwide concern due to the rapid deterioration of the volume of the ozone layer, also for the increasing threat to all living organism and their functions. Increasing uses of CFCs and halocarbons have led to an emergence of various health issues and environmental problems which are in some cases fatal.

Our planet earth is surrounded by a blanket of gases called atmosphere that sticks to the ground due to gravity. It is made of various gases, among them ozone is a vital one. Ozone is the form of oxygen, each molecule of which …show more content…

The most noticeable effect is the risk of several types of skin cancer including malignant melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma. As ozone layer decays, hole forms in the layer which allows more radioactive rays to come in contact of human skin and results in various skin diseases. Constant exposure to UV radiation also causes early aging. It even creates photokeratitis and cataracts and damages immune system. It also leaves negative impression on other creatures along with plants. Such as- it causes mutation and hampers development and growth in larvae. In plants, UV radiation alters the flowering time as well as the number of flowers produced by a plant, even the plant growth. Planktons work as foods for other marine life. Marine phytoplanktons play important roles in converting atmospheric carbon -di-oxide into oxygen. Ozone holes make them more exposed to radiations interrupting their survival rates and mobility. This leads to the ultimate disturbance of the marine ecosystem(Causes). That’s not all, ozone layer depletion has environmental aspects also. It directly affects biodiversity by mutation. ODS are also very potent greenhouse gases. Increase in amount of ods means increase of greenhouse gases so ozone hole formation implicitly indicates increasing phenomenon of global warming.( Protecting

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