Overpopulation Persuasive Speech

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When we think of our existence on earth, we assume we are in fact, the dominant species, our expansion all across the planet and the amount of resources we abuse on a daily bases shows the unnecessary huge population we have on our planet. We are so dominant we take up the entire earth! Anywhere you go, a human has been there in some century or another to the point where no where but the seas have been explored. Our need to breed to a huge extent and produce more mouths to feed is something we should be proud of, after all, we’re obviously the only creatures whose children don’t end up being slaughtered for meat or kept as pets. Yes, life on earth is swell for our species, we care for all living creatures as long as they produce for us what …show more content…

We know we produce offspring rapidly, if anything we should stop letting families like the Duggar’s have so many unneeded children. Who knows the amount of resources they use, just to produce more greedy slobs for people like 500lb Angie to watch on television. To really stop overpopulation we should also kill off the unusable, those who we deem as a society as unneeded such as hobos and the old. Why keep them around, both only sit around, the only difference is one will tell you something about war and the other will create …show more content…

We know for a fact kids in Africa and India, and some parts of the world are starving and dying of hunger, but who cares? We’re American, we’re European, we’re cultured enough, we care for those who really help our economies boost. After all, 500lb Angie’s HSN membership helps the world go round and our species thrive to the level we aspire to be. We need to start regulating our production of children, we don’t need all these children when we have millions in orphanages that are perfectly fine to use in our society. The old and poor only take up space and complain about why we’re not doing as much as them, even though they’re sitting around all day and planning our wars to fill the void of the past. Our species is dominant enough, we don’t need to be reminded by producing so much mouths and exemplifying the old. After all, maintaining production is a god given

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