Overcoming Mental Well-Being: The Importance Of Physical Health

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People in today’s society are constantly being told about the importance of their physical health. They’re always being reminded to eat their greens, to sleep for 7-8 hours a night, and to exercise for at least one hour every day. Though physical health is a topic of great importance, mental health should not be buried beneath. Today’s health epidemic no longer revolves around only physical health, but also mental health. Perhaps, though, if we take the time to understand what mental well-being is, we will be able to cure this epidemic. Mental well-being is understanding and coping with life’s ups and downs, having an emotional balance, and learning to accept who you are. The first step towards mental well-being is understanding life’s ups and downs. Life is no straight road, instead, it is littered with obstacles that are put before you for a reason. As human being, we are to learn, slowly, how to overcome these obstacles. To overcome an obstacle, it is important to look at the issue from a birds-eye view. Look at it from every direction. No obstacle is too large for you to conquer. Believing in yourself, being patient, and thinking it through will help you overcome any issue. On top of …show more content…

Self-acceptance is not only difficult, but can also take a long time to develop. It is important to accept our physical and “soul” selves. All humans were made to be beautiful. Each of us is different from one another. It is our job to accept who we are, especially the characteristics of us that can’t be changed, such as a crooked nose or small eyes. Further, we must come to accept our “soul” selves as well. No one can tell you that you aren’t good enough and you should never change who you are for someone else. What you will find is that, in the end, you hid so much of yourself for that person’s pleasure that you forgot who you really were. If someone does not accept you for who you are, then they aren’t worth

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