Overcoming Masculinity

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In todays society everyone constantly fights on the gender role issues about breaking and/or rewriting them to accommodate the needs of everyone, yet when you touch the topic of men ad their “masculinity” it becomes a soft spot. Masculinity doesn’t defy your strength or make you feel any “less” of a man, but many aspects greatly affect the outcomes of the following beliefs. Overcoming the idea of men being good for noting more than work and being emotionless to everything and everyone is a difficult thing to overcome, yet it is the main perspective that is perceived for anyone who thinks what the “ideal” man should be. Therefore, their manhood must be the “right-of-passage” in order to maintain a successful and happy life. While overcoming the idea that every man must be “macho,” many disagree with this attribution due to the new “free way” of thinking. This version of masculinity is a little like having to wear an ill-fitting coat for one’s entire life (Theroux 1), …show more content…

When in reality now a days both men and women share responsibilities and is socially acceptable for someone to be a stay at home dad. That being in effect doesn't mean you are less of a man or means you lose respect, but the opposite because they must of had a difficult time making this type of choice knowing the consequences and questioning that was going to come with. In conclusion, social norms imprint a certain idea and mentality on everyone that men were placed on this earth to to assure a sort of security blanket and source of survival and nothing more. When in reality int our new age and time it has progressively become socially acceptable for men to be stay at home dads and work from home. Even though cultural influences enforce much pressure on men when it doesn’t defy

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