Overcoming Barriers Of Life Insurance Essay

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Overcoming Barriers of Life Insurance

The major problems which an Insurance advisor may face in field can be classified under following stages of sales-
1. Generating Sales Leads
Selling begins by locating potential customers. A potential customer or “prospect” is first identified as sales lead, which simply means the salesperson has obtained information to suggest that someone exhibits key characteristics that lend them to being a prospect.
Sales leads can come from many sources including:-
Prospect Initiated – Includes leads obtained when prospects initiate contact such as when they call you or respond to an advertisement.
Profile Fitting – Uses market research tools, such as customer profiles, to locate leads based on customers …show more content…

Such referrals may come at no cost to the salesperson or, to encourage referrals, salespeople may offer payment for referrals.
Promotions – The method uses free gifts to encourage prospect to provide contact information or attend a sales meeting.
2. Qualifying Leads
Not all sales leads hold the potential for becoming sales prospects. There are many reasons for this including:
1. Cannot be Contacted – Some prospects may fit the criteria for being a prospect but gaining time to meet with them may be very difficult (e.g., high-level executives).
2. Need Already Satisfied - Prospects may have already purchased a similar product offered by a competitor and, thus, may not have the need for additional products.
3. Lack Financial Capacity - Just because someone has a need for a product does not mean they can afford it. Lack of financial capacity is major reason why sales leads do not become prospects.
4. May Not Be Key Decision Maker - Prospects may lack the authority to approve the purchase.
5. May Not Meet Requirements to Purchase - Prospects may not meet the requirements for purchasing the product (e.g., lack other products needed for seller’s product to work …show more content…

Cold Calling for Presentation – A challenging way to contact a prospect is to attempt to conduct a sales meeting through a straight cold call. In this approach the intention is to not only contact the prospect but to also give a sales presentation during this first contact period. This approach can be difficult since the prospect may be irritated by having unannounced salespeople interrupt them and take time out of their busy work schedule to sit for a sales meeting.
B. Cold Calling for Appointment – A better approach for most salespeople is to contact a prospect to set up an appointment in advance of the sales meeting. The main advantages of making appointments is that it gives the salesperson additional time to prepare for the meeting and also, in the course of discussing an appointment, the salesperson may have the opportunity to gain more information from the prospect. Of course, this way also has the added advantage of having the prospect agree to the sit for the meeting, which may make them more receptive to the product than if the salesperson had followed the Cold Calling for Presentation

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