Overcoming Adversity In Sports Research Paper

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It is not uncommon to hear a professional football player coming back from an injury stronger than they were before; this is the mindset of overcoming adversity in failure. The idea that just because one can not do it now does not mean everything is over. “Failure is the only thing that leads one to success” (Stackvids). Through failure one rebuilds to become stronger. Overcoming adversity in all aspects is not easy; people go into a fight or flight state of mindset. It is easy to cut one's losses and do something else but even harder to fight through it. “This fact alone separates the 256 that make it and the 15,332 that do not”(Hilton). After these elite athletes overcome adversity, something else that separates the average from the elite …show more content…

The argument is that athletes are playing a sport for entertainment purposes and not curing cancer or really positively adding to society. This is true in some aspects they are providing unnecessary entertainment and most of them end up getting into trouble with the law or end up in financial struggles. “Athletes like Michael Vick make headlines when they get caught doing something wrong. In his case he was a top paid quarterback that got charged with animal abuse due to dog fighting” (Steinberg ). The argument is that because these athletes are paired so well they are more likely to get in trouble. It is the idea that because they can afford more they become superior to others-- thinking they can get away with more. Also the fact that most athletes go broke after their career ends is an undeniable fact. Forbes magazine published an article outlining that 80 percent of retired athletes go broke post NFL career. “This trait comes up rather early because 80 percent of NFL players are in financial struggle within the first three years of their careers. This is all dues to large amounts of money given to these athletes; people coming from nothing and then getting everything leads to these cycles” (Steinberg). But looking at the counter argument, the type of work they do deserve the compensation they

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