Outline For Animal Testing Essay

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I. Introduction
a. Hook:
i. Animal testing is the use of animals in medical or biological studies. (Although some just use them for observation). It’s a big controversial topic because many believe that it’s not right and degrading, while many others believe that it’s necessary and is good that it’s tried on them before us.
b. Thesis
i. I believe that we should not use it and that animal testing is unquestionably wrong! It is not okay and it is wrong and just mean. Animals are one of the main reasons that humans were able to survive so testing on them and killing them is insane and downright awful!
II. Points
a. Article One (Chemical Testing on Animals Is Unreliable)
i. Animals are usually forced to do everything and end up dying. ii. Animals …show more content…

Article Two (Using Animals for Medical Testing Is Unethical and Unnecessary)
i. Most experiments go wrong because they are testing which leads to the death of many animals. ii. Animals can suffer the same as humans and they feel the same exact thing we do, the animals just do not have a voice which makes it “okay”. iii. There is no actual evidence stating that animals helped with any medicine or treatment.
III. Counterpoints
a. Article Three (Animal Experimentation Is Necessary to Ensure Product Safety)
i. Animals make better experiments because of their life span. ii. Animal Testing has a guarantee from the government that the animals will not get hurt in the process. iii. Animal Testing has come up with numerous life-saving medicines and treatments.
b. Article 4 (It Is Not Possible to Completely Replace Animals in Medical Research)
i. Animals need to be used in the case of a human possibly getting injured. ii. If vaccines and health treatments were not given to animals to be tested on, millions of these animals would have died from the diseases. Treatments for animals have come from actually testing on them so in a way it’s good for the animal. iii. Animals do not have rights, therefore it is acceptable to experiment on them.

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