The Outcast's Experience: A Universal Struggle

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Being an outcast in our society in today’s world is very common. Many people are outcasts, and it is not a good thing for our community. When people do not fit in, they usually do not do anything to make themselves fit in, so for some people being an outsider can last longer than a small period of time; instead, it could last a lifetime. Many people feel the same about being an outcast, yet nobody ever speaks up about it or does anything that will permanently change society. Everybody experiences being an outsider in some way, for it is a universal feeling that everyone experiences at some point in life. An outsider is someone who is isolated or detached from the activities or concerns of one's own community. This isolation is caused by the community around us rejecting people, since they do not fit into the standards that our community puts in front of us. There are many reasons for someone to think that they are an outsider. People can easily convince someone that they are an outsider because they may act different, they might look weird, or even where they live. In the story, “The Doll’s House”, the Kelvey sisters were considered …show more content…

In the story, “Fences”, the whole family thought of themselves to be an outcast since they were not able to play on the beach. “Once my little sister ran barefoot across the hot sand for a taste. My mother roared like the ocean, No. No. It’s their beach” (Mora 218). In this story the family were outsiders because of where they lived, and how they could not go over to the beach. I can consider myself a outsider to my friends; since, I do not play football like them. In that situation, I am considered an outcast since I do not play the sport that all of my other friends play. I do not play football, but I play basketball, so they may also feel like a outcast since they do not play basketball. This proves that everyone can feel like an

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