Our Sugar Intake Must be Reduced

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Our Sugar Intake Must be Reduced!

Everyone that has grown up in this culture has memories of eating sweets as a child. They seem so harmless and yet they are dangerous. They can cause many health problems when taken in excess. It really is time that parents start to limit their child's sugar intake. The consequences are unbearable.

There are many problems that result from the intake of too many sugar products. First, they can cause malnutrition. Secondly, too much sugar can cause obesity. And the final point deals with the external effect that sugar has on humans, mainly kids. This is the fact that sugar causes tooth decay.

Children are very susceptible to the dangers of sugar, more so than adults. This is because children are not as educated about nutrition as adults are. For this reason, parents should look out for their kids. Children also seem to enjoy snack food. They always seem to want a cookie or a piece of candy. Children are naturally drawn to the sweetness of foods that contain sugar.

A major drawback of consuming too much sugar is that it causes malnutrition. If a person, a child for example, eats foods containing a high amount of sugar, he or she will be less inclined to eat other foods that contain a high amount of nutrients. Thus the child will not, in fact, get all the nutrients that he or she needs. This is how the abuse of sugar leads to malnutrition (p.78). Parents should take a conscious effort to draw their children away from food products loaded with sugar. They should feed them more nutritious food because it is important that a child receives all of his or her basic nutrients, especially since a child is in a growing stage.

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...caution should be taken by parents to make sure that their kids are not abusing sugar. If sugar is never eaten, then the child will never know the taste that he or she is missing. Tastes are acquired, so it is important to start kids off right at an early age by limiting their sugar intake.

There are many combatants that parents can use to fight the overuse of sugar. It is clearly evident that it doesn't take a whole lot to prevent the problems associated with sugar. It is much harder to fight the problems once they have arrived. So parents should take care of their kids, and there is one obvious thing that needs to be done when watching children's health. Limit their sugar intake.

Works Consulted

Whitney, Eleanor Noss and Eva May Nunnelley Hamilton. Understanding Nutrition. Third Ed pp. 75-84. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1984.

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