Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II

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Mehmed was an Ottoman sultan who ruled for a short period of time. He was best known as Mehmed the conqueror and his name is also Mehmed II or Mahomet II. He was born on March 30th, 1432 in Edirne, Turkey. He passed away on May 3rd, 1481 in Hünkar Çayırı. His father (Murad II) is the ruler of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. When his father passed away Mehmed took his father’s place. He had 4 wives. He has 5 children (Bayezid II, Sultan Cem, Mustafa Pasha, Gevherhan, Korkut) and 21 grandchildren.

Mehmed II had achieved the most Dramatic feat in the Ottoman history. By the time he took power in 1451, the ancient city of Constantinople from a million to around 50,000. When he was taking power at age 21, he wanted Constantinople. Then, in 1453 he launched his attack. Mehmed’s turkish forces began to fire on the city walls of Constantinople with mighty cannons. One of these cannons were a 26 foot gun that fired 1,200 pound boulders. …show more content…

They dragged 10 ships over the hill on greased runners from Bosporus all the way to the harbor. And now it is easy to attack, his army attacked Constantinople from two sides. The city then was held out for seven weeks, but the Turks found a break in the wall and entered the city.

After conquering Constantinople, he was then called Mehmed the Conqueror, he was proved to be a ruler as well as fantastic warrior. He had open Constantinople to a new place and to new citizens of many religions and backgrounds. They helped to rebuild the city, which was now called Istanbul.

In 1481, Mehmed and his army marched to a new campaign, but when they reached Maltepe, Istanbul he became ill and sick. After a few days he died on 3rd of May, 1981 at the age of 49. He was buried in

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