Othello Is To Blame For Desdemona's Death

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A romantic tale usually begins with the separation of two characters, and ends with the attachment of their love for each other. However, William Shakespeare’s Othello is a play that comprises of two dear couples, Othello and Desdemona, whom suffered an unfortunate fate by the false words of Iago, who seeks nothing but his own desires. Although, there were some notable deaths involved in this play, Iago isn’t accountable of Desdemona’s death, but rather it was Othello’s fault due to his foolish decisions and mindset.
The beginning of the play displayed the General’s personality:kindness, honorable and trustworthy. However, it is his complete devotion towards Desdemona that will make the worst of him. After Othello’s conversation with Brabantio, …show more content…

I prithee, let thy wife attend on her,
And bring them after in the best advantage.
Come, Desdemona, I have but an hour
Of love, of worldly matter and direction,
To spend with thee. We must obey the time.(1.3.290-296)
In this quote, Othello states his complete trust towards his wife to Emilia’s husband, which benefited Iago; because Iago now knows his ‘weakness’, he was able to manipulate Othello using his devotion towards his beloved wife, which he says: I speak not yet of proof.
Look to your wife, observe her well with Cassio.
Wear your eyes thus, not jealous nor secure.
I would not have your free and noble nature
Out of self-bounty be abused. Look to ’t.
I know our country disposition well.
In Venice they do let God see the pranks
They dare not show their husbands. Their best
Is not to leave’t undone, but keep’t unknown. (3.3.201-210)
Iago creates a sense of betrayal in Othello's mind by falsely lying to him about Cassio’s love for Desdemona, making Othello feeling deceived. However, it is the General’s fault that allowed this to occur. His complete trust towards Iago engendered his state of hostility, and because of his doubts, it eventually led to the death of his beloved Desdemona. Furthermore, Othello’s wife did not die because of Iago, but rather by the hands of her own

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