Othello Important Quotes

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Important quotes explained from Act 2
1. “He takes her by the palm. Ay, well said; whisper. With as little a web as this will I ensare as great a fly as Cassio” (II.i.163-165). The context is when Iago, Cassio, Emilia, and Desdemona are talking amongst themselves. Iago is talking to himself and is gathering facts to set up Cassio for his fall. Iago sees it as Cassio taking Desdemona’s hand, but in an indecent or less courtly manner. He puts it together with these small facts, that’s all I need to take Cassio down. The truth in the situation is that Cassio takes Desdemona’s hand simply out of courtesy, no lustrous or ulterior motives.

2. “I am not merry, but I do beguile The thing I am by seeming otherwise– Come, how wouldst thou praise me?” …show more content…

“If I can fasten but one cup upon him … My boat sails freely, both wind and stream” (II.iii.41-56). This is yet another part of Iago’s plan to bring down Cassio. His persistent ambition rests in the fact that Othello chose Cassio over him to be Othello’s lieutenant. Iago feels that he will get one step closer to ruining Othello as well as taking down Cassio. This falls into the line of the saying, “kill two birds with one stone”. In this plan, Iago is going to get Cassio drunk and have him do something stupid enough that it will offend many. Iago is manipulating Cassio to cause a scene so that he can prove his point that Cassio is a useless drunk to Othello. It is seen as ironic as the play goes on, since Iago is the one that is being …show more content…

“Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial” (II.iii.245-247). Cassio is saying this after he had a fist fight with Roderigo. Othello essentially fires Cassio because of what he has done and Cassio loses his rank. It seems that to Cassio, reputation means everything to him, and without he is nothing. This might be referring to the word “bestial”, where a man is nothing without his reputation. Reputation in our society is a big thing, and in general, depending on how much reputation one has, that is how people will look at you in society. If one has a bad reputation, probably because they did something bad repeatedly, they will be looked at disdainfully by others. As opposed to someone with a good

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