Othello Act 2 Summary

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Act two of the play introduces the setting of Cyprus, the area where the remainder of the play will take place and shows the stricken Desdemona, worried out of her mid for her lover who is behind schedule in his arrival. Iago soon makes his entrance and when questioned, expresses his views as to why women are deceitful and cunning in the way they act towards others as well as how they attract men. What started out as frivolous questioning soon turned into a full out debate between Iago, his wife Emilia, and Desdemona. Their quarrel soon ended upon the arrival of the vessel carrying Othello, as well as great news of the destruction of the Turkish fleet. Iago immediately begins planning his next move upon hearing Othello’s joyous cries of victory …show more content…

During act five, Othello eventually ends up alone with Desdemona and confronts her intending to end her life. Desdemona forgives Othello even as he is smothering her. Having fulfilled his “revenge,” Othello had to only wait for Iago and hopefully hear the good news about Cassio. Iago’s plan didn’t go so well though, he and Roderigo had set up an ambush for Cassio who had been on a walk that night. Unknowing that Cassio had been prepared in case a situation such as this arises, Iago and Roderigo attacked Cassio. Cassio survived the situation with an injured leg, while Roderigo was not so lucky and lost his life from Iago’s sword. Upon returning to Othello, Iago was confronted by Emilia to find out his true intentions and to discover what he had said to Othello and why he was telling lies. Iago was reluctant to answer these questions and denies everything despite threats from both Othello as well as people present at the scene. Othello, angered by Iago’s refusal to speak the truth, receives the answers he desires from Emilia who tells the audience of Iago’s true nature. Iago gets captured shortly after killing his wife and becomes the focus of Othello’s anger. Othello unable to satisfy his desire for revenge, is faced with two decisions: be captured along with Iago for the crimes he’s committed, or kill himself andjoin hi beloved wife in the afterlife. Othello chooses suicide although it appears that he may attack when he draws his sword, and ends the

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