Organized Sports Benefits

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Sports are beneficial for kids, but some believe that organized sports are harming kids rather than helping them. From injuries to ‘ not being good enough’, there are all too many reasons why kids are getting pulled out of sports programs. The well-being of the player is crucial to their enjoyment and performance, but the possibility of getting injured should not be a reason to take a child out of sports. Physical activities obviously helps prevent health problems like heart disease and obesity, but there are more benefits than parents realize. Physical activity is imperative to a child’s development, so do not shy away from enrolling them in an organized sport. Playing sports has proven positive effects on a child’s mind and body.

Educational benefits are to be had whilst playing sports. Students may have a difficult time keeping up with studying and homework, but their grades will improve during sports seasons. The video clip ‘Sports: how much is too much?’ by the KCRA news team shows us that athletes get an extra bit of help in the classroom as a result of playing a sport. Physical activity helps kids focus on schoolwork because players need to find an appropriate balance between personal time, educational time, and physical activities. Time management skills will also be useful in the future, as time management will help students in postsecondary education and work settings. …show more content…

These findings show that kids can have social benefits from playing sports. Not only does physical activity boost morale, but it gives children lasting relationships, and a sense of community and belonging. Doing an activity you like with the people you like is one of the greatest ways to bond and become

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