Organisational Behavior In Organizational Behavior

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Leadership and Management Justin M Thomas Organizational Behavior Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. Management is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. Leadership and management play a big part in the behavior within an organization. Leadership and management play hand in hand to accomplish goals within an organization. I believe that the traits and qualities needed in a good leader to be successful are the ability to delegate, communicate, inspire, motivate and supportive. There are many other qualities and traits also linked with being a good leader but the ones that I have listed above have helped me personally develop as a manger and colleague towards my co workers. As a leader you should have the capability to delegate. You are a key component to keeping structure within the organization, having the ability to delegate enables you to resolve and move forwards with issues and maintain productivity. In correlation with delegation, communication is an also a very important quality for a leader to have. An effective leader will communicate to all his employees properly and make sure they have good understanding of what needs to get done. A good leader must be able to inspire and motivate. When I first started working as a Director for a Marketing department it really hit me hard that I have a lot of responsibility, and it’s my job to inspire and motivate my employees so that we can accomplish and achieve new heights. As I may have struggled with this at first I learned the behavior of my employees and learned each person individually. Once I understood who worked for me I started to inspire them to do great things with the job that had at hand and ... ... middle of paper ... ... be controlled by a manager as long as you take the steps to measure it. In conclusion you learn that leadership and management are to separate identities that work very close with each other. Leadership is the ability to lead and management is the ability to control. When you are faced with being a manager for an organization you have to use certain steps to properly fulfill your job as a manager. Properly communicating, perceiving, motivating, implementing groups, controlling stress and satisfaction are just some of the components that help you carry out leadership effectively. As you gain experience from being a manager and you see and interact with different work scenarios you will be able to deal with situations better. When you carry yourself professionally and put your best foot forward your employees follow you because they have faith in you.

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