Oral Mouth Cancer Research Paper

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What is the statistics of mouth cancer? How many people get it? Around 50,000 people get mouth cancer each year. What is the survival rate? The survival rate is 83% for oral mouth cancer for people who get’s it. How many people can die from oral mouth cancer? Around 10,000 people die every year from oral mouth cancer.
There are a lot of risk factors but the three main ones are Tobacco, Alcohol, and HPV. How can you get oral cancer from those three you ask? Well, tobacco depends for how long you smoked or chewed. If you are a smoker or a chewer you are more likely to get Oral Mouth Cancer than a nonsmoker or non-chewer. The tobacco smoke from cigarettes, cigars, or pipes causes cancers anywhere in the mouth or throat. Smoking can also cause cancer …show more content…

If you are a smoker and if you got cured of oral mouth cancer then you could not get cancer. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of developing oral cancer, however, heavy drinkers are more likely to get oral cancer than a moderate drinker. HPV is a huge way to get oral cancer. If you get HPV check with your doctor right way. If you don’t know if you got HPV go and check with a doctor because if you do have HPV it can lead to oral mouth cancer. How do you get an HPV you ask? Well, you can get HPV from having sex. Yup, you read it. Sex! There are three ways to get an HPV from having sex which is vaginal, anal intercourse and even oral sex. You won’t know if you have HPV because it shows no symptoms.The risk of oral HPV infection was linked to certain sexual behaviors, like open mouth kissing and oral-genital contact (oral sex). Smoking will increases the risk of oral HPV infection. Men are more likely to get an HPV than women are. There are some specific ways to prevent from getting oral mouth cancer. Don’t use tobacco but if you do

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