Optimism In Birdsong By Ruth Cechova

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The brightest hope manifests in the heart of darkness. When people must face hardship they use hope to endure, especially if they believe they have lost everything else. Having faith in something other than one’s self is necessary to survival in trying situations and resigning to a life without a greater purpose results in the loss of hope. If they don’t stand for anything, they risk losing everything, even if all that remains are their own lives.
For instance, faith in a better future can be essential motivation for survival. Ten-year-old Ruth Cechova, the author of “Birdsong,” a poem written in the “garrison town,” Terezin (“Theresienstadt: Establishment,” n.d.), conveys her feeling of optimism that a future of liberation will inevitably …show more content…

The future Cechova portrays is comparable to “greeting the dawning after night” (9), a metaphor that implies its inevitability, this acts as a motivating factor that enables her to cope with adversity. The belief that humanity would alter the course of the future played a key role in Cechova’s survival, while those who had a pessimistic view on their circumstances were more likely to perish because their lack of motivation lead them to perceive their future as bleak and despairing. The belief that one must cope with adversity to either care for or see their loved ones again also motivates people to survive. In the Italian film Life is Beautiful, the protagonist, Guido, played by Roberto Benigni, prioritizes his son and wife’s welfare above his own life. Guido’s unconditional love was instrumental to his survival while working in the concentration camp’s anvil factory (Benigni). Although he wanted to give up, he recognized that his son’s survival was dependant on his own. Despite the fact that his sense of self-sacrifice seems to contradict the notion of self-preservation, Guido endured the atrocities of the concentration camp so he could find his wife and shield his son from the horrors of reality. If the circumstances had been different and Guido had no family to care for, he would have given into the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and embraced death as an end to his …show more content…

Vietnamese refugee, Lan Nguyen, escaped in 1978 with her husband and six children following the capture of the capital, Saigon. In order to create the future they envisioned for their children, away from the limitations of living in a country in the aftermath of a war, Nguyen and her husband had to sacrifice their home and safety: “We left everything we knew behind to give our children a chance - to live to their fullest potential that we knew staying in Vietnam would not afford them” (Nguyen). A common theme of refugee stories is altruism, the selfless notion that their actions can better the lives of others. This is vital to preserving the belief that the adversity they face and sacrifices they make can have significant influence on the lives of their loved

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