Oppression In Uganda

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Homosexuals as Victims of Oppression

Today oppression of homosexuals in Uganda is receiving attention around the world. The people of Uganda hate gays and are extremely violent toward them. Most gays cannot be open about their true sexuality for fear of being harassed or even killed. The U.S. gave lots of money to LGBT groups in Uganda and cut all aid to the Ugandan government to put pressure on the government to reduce the oppression faced by these groups. However, this effort is not helping the issue at all. On the contrary the money the U.S. is giving the LGBT groups is bringing more attention to the issue and making it harder from them to hide. The Ugandan culture believes in hating gays above anything else (Robb ). If the U.S. wants to …show more content…

The United States thinks they are helping by being outraged at the anti- gay bill on social media and giving money to LGBT groups. In reality, they have only made the problem more popular in the Ugandan media, which has caused the homosexual people to be targeted more aggressively than before. The homosexuals in Uganda appreciate that the U.S. is trying to help but they believe another solution is needed. One man says that the U.S. has ”made gay men and lesbians more visible — and more vulnerable to harassment and violence” (Norimitsu). Another homosexual Ugandan said that “There’s more resistance now. It’s triggered people’s defense mechanism” (Norimitsu). The U.S. is trying to help but it has brought homosexuals to the center of attention and made them easier to spot. Most Ugandans do not like homosexuals so they also are not happy with the U.S. trying to help them. The U.S. is doing what it thinks is best to help oppressed Ugandans, but it is doing more bad than …show more content…

is very supportive of the LGBT community and trying to help, almost everyone in Uganda is against homosexuality, including the government. In 2014, a “law against homosexuality — which makes same-sex relationships punishable by 14 years in prison”, was considered by the government but was later turned down because it was passed by parliament without a proper quorum(Gettleman). The government was so desperate to make homosexuality illegal that they failed to follow proper protocols. They believe homosexuality to be a huge problem when in reality it is not a problem at all. The Ugandan people and government are so rooted in ideas from the past that they cannot fathom that homosexuals should even exist. They are suspicious of others and this has led to a corrupt government and police force. Recently homosexuals have had,” Suspicious neighbors and landlords pry into their private lives” and have no respect of their privacy (Norimitsu). The Ugandan people do not feel safe when they are near homosexuals because they have always been told they are bad from birth. They use their fear as a motivator to harass homosexual people. In the U.S. if there was attacks and harassment going on the police would stop it but the Ugandan police don’t like them either. In fact,” Police officers routinely stop them to search for incriminating images and chats on their cellphones”, which is another form of oppression of homosexual people in Uganda. Everything and person in Uganda

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