Opioid Addiction Research Paper

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First, we need to have a clear understanding on how opioids work in our brain. As explained by The Recovery Village, “When an abuser takes an opiate, the drug enters the brain through the bloodstream, creating a flood of artificial endorphins and dopamine -neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of reward, pleasure and satisfaction. This creates a rush of happiness and euphoria.” This helps us comprehend that the drugs will only give us a temporary high and it’s satisfying for some people because you are unable to naturally feel the pain. After, a period of time these opioids become addicted because many people would prefer to feel this rush of happiness than to deal with pain, it’s like an easy way out. There is no harm when taken as prescribed, …show more content…

Yet, many become addicted unintentionally, The Recovery Village reports, “By the time they no longer need the drugs for their pain, however, opiates have taken hold in the brain and cause a physical dependence starting an opiate addiction.” Since first introduced, many health care providers have been over exposing patients to new opioid options: Oxycodone, Fentanyl, Meperidine, etc. Doctors are well aware of the many alternatives to narcotic pain medication. Many adolescents are being prescribed opioids for pain relief, but end up becoming addicted. Putting these medications at the hands of young patients can lead them to misuse them, such as sharing with friends and overdosing. As stated by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, “People often share their unused pain relievers, unaware of the dangers of nonmedical opioid use. Most adolescents who misuse prescription pain relievers are given them for free by a friend or relative.” Society sees these pain medications as acceptable just because they are prescribed and recommended by a doctor. According to a national survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2016, 116 people died every day from opioid-related

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