Operations Management Essay

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1.1. A framework for analyzing operations management within businesses
Operations management is a multi-disciplinary field that focuses on managing all the aspects of the business’s operations. The framework for operational management is a way to present thinking about the relationship between the main function which are including in service operation:

• External environment: A management’s task is to understand the need of the customer and what they want and sizing up the opportunity and threats by competitors. Define the product and compare with the similar product, segmenting market, develop a product concept and marketing. This is particular strategic approach to provide unique quality of the product in high competitive environment.
• Internal
Thus, the role of operations management is to ensure a smooth production process that contributes to the output of goods and services of an organization. Operations managements are responsible for or associated with making decisions about product development, process and layout decisions, the location, and capacity. At the tactical level, operations management addresses the issues relevant to efficiently scheduling material and labour within the constraints of the firm 's strategy and making aggregate planning decisions. Operations managers have a hand in deciding employee levels, inventory levels, and capacity. At the operational level, operations management is concerned with lower-level planning and control. Operations managers and their subordinates must make decisions regarding scheduling, loading, and work assignments. Today 's operations manager must have knowledge of advanced operations technology and technical knowledge relevant to their industry, as well as interpersonal skills and knowledge of other functional areas within the firm. Operations managers must also have the ability to communicate effectively, to motivate other people, manage projects, and work on multidisciplinary
One of the key roles of KPIs is to give substance to the high level aspirations outlined in the organization’s strategic documents and in doing so to make them both more tangible to those who must make progress towards them and those whose job it is to measure this progress. Additionally, businesses can utilize KPIs to establish and monitor progress toward a variety of goals, including lean manufacturing objectives, minority business enterprise and diversity spending, environmental initiatives, cost avoidance programs and low-cost country sourcing targets. Any business can better manage supplier performance with the help of KPIs robust capabilities, which include: automated entry and approval functions; on-demand real-time scorecard measures and rework on procured inventory

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