Operations Management

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Imagine the reaction of a couple who received a chilling prophecy from an oracle who declared that their infant was destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Would it be reasonable for a couple murder their child, because of a frightening prophecy? Modern society would be aghast at this disgusting choice, but unfortunately Oedipus’s parents abandoned him, where he was saved by the mercy of others. Fate was against Oedipus, and he inadvertently created a domino effect of tragic choices that would make his parent’s prophecy a reality. Oedipus fled Corinth leading him to kill a disrespectful stranger. He solved the Sphinx’s riddle which gave him kingship and the queen of Thebes. Oedipus went from death row to royalty temporarily, but he would discover a truth that would ruin his life. This idea of fate was conflicted with the Oedipus complex as believed by film producer Pasolini and author Freud who believed that Oedipus’s actions were a result of a sexual bond with his mother. They believed that this sexual bond was the underlying factor that led Oedipus to kill his father Laius and marry his mother Jocasta. To affirm their beliefs, Pasolini changed several scenes from the original play in his film Oedipus Rex, and intertwined the scenes with multiple Freudian theories to construct that Oedipus desired Oedipus complex. However, if Oedipus really wanted to marry his mother and murder his father, then why would he flee Thebes? Why would he blind himself if he received what he desired? An oracle told Oedipus he was fated to commit murder which caused Oedipus to flee Corinth with the intent to avoid this fate, which unfortunately backfired. Oedipus Tyrannous is a play that features a hero’s attempt to deny fate until he has no ... ... middle of paper ... ... Furthermore, Freud neglects to observe the upbringing of infants including child abuse, their source of nourishment, and living conditions. These factors have a direct relationship to the baby’s personality and potential. As for Pasolini, he bases all of Oedipus’s actions from a sexual bond with Jocasta, rather than identify how fate led Oedipus to flee Corinth. Oedipus’s life was surrounded by choices. He decided to question fate, to run away, to murder a traveler, to accept kingship, and to discover the truth. In retrospect, Oedipus made poor decisions, but his impulsive nature was consistent which sealed his fate. How is it possible for society to avoid a grisly fate? They should allow the future to unfold normally, and use caution before making an important decision. If only Oedipus took this advice, he would have spared his parents rather than dooming them.

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