One World Now Book Report

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“OneWorld Now! is committed to providing critical language skills, leadership training, and study abroad opportunities to underserved youth.” This is the slogan of One World Now!. OWN (One World Now!) Is a program for youth in high school mainly focusing on underserved youth. OWN is a non-profit organization, founded in Seattle, Washington by Kristin Hayden in 2002. In 2010 One World Now! expanded its borders to Hawaii. Students in Hawaii and in Seattle are learning Chinese, Arabic, and now Korean. Arabic and Chinese are one of the top languages to learn in 2017. Not only do the students learn a new language, but taking weekly leadership classes. The students learn about issues happening today outside America, and being taught how to engage …show more content…

My second year in One World Now! was one of my best years in OWN. I was a pod leader, a pod leader is someone who mentors a group of first year students. I was in Arabic 2. I was president of Get Global. Each year One World Now! has a conference at the University of Washington to bring awareness to our community on these global issues. That year over 200 people showed up it was amazing. That summer, summer of 2015 I studied abroad. I was waiting, hoping for that moment for years. I traveled to Morocco, Africa with 8 other students, my best friend was one of those students. A year prior to that trip I was in Hawaii with OWN and made an amazing friend surprisingly, he also got to go to Morocco with me. That trip had changed my life. I stayed with a wonderful, loving family who took me in as their own. I was in Morocco for about a month, I fell in love with the country I hope one day I will be able to return. The following year I continued with One World Now! it’s my senior year in high school, I am still a pod leader. I didn’t get to study abroad in my last year, but I had a wonderful group of students I mentored. I could name all of them, I love them all so much, they’re an amazing group of students. One World Now! has been my safe haven, when I’m having a bad day I know I can turn to One World Now!, I am so grateful One World Now! was part of my high school

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