One Of The Worst Problems Facing America Today

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To some child and teen obesity is one of the worst problems facing America today. This is a problem because this is our next generation. Being obese and starting at a young age could lead to continuing down that road and a lifetime of problems. Some may ask things like so what’s so wrong with being a bigger or heavy set person or even obese. Well a lot of things could be. For starters when you’re young we all know the world isn’t perfect and people are mean so kids are bullied for being heavier set. That is by no means a problem I'm just stating that is a outcome of it. Next though a problem is is sets a bad example and lead for kids. Being obese is a hard walk through life in so many different ways. It is more expensive, less fun, and more dangerous. …show more content…

He couldn’t do a lot of things parents should be able to do with their kids like ride a bike, take a walk, go on rides with their children, do fun things, or even simple things a family could do like go rollerskating or go shopping. This is because everything is so much more labored and harder for them. I know there were vacations that as a family mine couldn’t do some things. We couldn’t ever ice skate, ride ziplines, or even ride fair rides when we were younger because of size with our dad. We got around it and I love my dad but there are some things heavier people just can’t do. So becoming obese young sets up children and teens for a life of what I consider obstacles that I know aren’t fun avoiding. Next I know that being obese makes day to day life more expensive. We all know the saying the bigger the better, well it should be the bigger the better the more

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