On The Sidewalk Bleeding Summary

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The short story call On the sidewalk bleeding by Evan Hunter Shows the life of a man named Andy who gets shot and is left stranded in an alleyway. Throughout the story, different characters walk past Andy and have the opportunity to help him but for different reasons they all walk past him, (perhaps because he is wearing a gang jacket) Denying the opportunity to be a Good Samaritan and helping him out without seeking any reward. Being a Good Samaritan is a very intriguing theme in the story because we can apply it to our own world. Like the characters who pass by Andy, we have so many opportunities to be a Good Samaritan and maybe we pass on some of them too often. One of the key messages in the story from the theme “Good Samaritan” is That Fear impacts how we treat people. This is so because when you have a fear of something or are scared, you don’t become your normal self and that might cause you to act differently. For example, if someone was stuck on a rollercoaster and needed help, someone who has a fear of heights of roller coasters most probably isn’t going to help him right away. They will hesitate and may even walk past and get someone else who isn’t scared of rollercoasters. I think that it is fine …show more content…

Rewards from selflessness come after you do something for someone without any reward. The feeling you get after doing a selfless act is great because you have done one of your good deeds for the day and helped a person who needed someone's help. An example of this in today's society is that lots of charity workers, op shop workers, city mission volunteers, red cross workers and volunteer firefighters say it's the best thing to help people and makes them feel good for the rest of the day. I believe that the greatest rewards come from selflessness because you're not asking for anything in return. That in turn powers a feeling inside you knowing you did something

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