On Pumas

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On Pumas

The Puma, or Felis concolor as it is known by scientists, is found in the

Western Uniter States, generally west of the Rocky Mountains and in Southwestern

Canada. Other names for the Puma are the Mountain Lion, and Panther. This species of cat has many subspecies throughout the United States, and Central Ameica, however it is endangered in Florida.

Generally Pumas have a life-span of about 10 to 15 years and have litters ranging from 2-3 cubs. The Pumas' fur varies depending on the region it is in, and usually they have longer fur in the mountain regions.

The Puma can be found in many habitats such as moutains, swamps, grasslands, and mountain forests. As the seasons change it generally follows migrating prey to different habitats. The Puma usually romes in places where it can stalk its prey, alone, such as cattle and horses. These factors may have causes the bad reputation that pumas are given.

When hunting, Pumas use their powerful legs and have been able to achieve running jumps of 40 feet when it comes to hunting. Since the Pumas are about 35-85 kilograms, and 1100-2000 millimeters in length, it is relative to the size of the Cheetah, which makes it able to hunt so well.

The species eats small and large mammals, and it is a carnivore, so it needs meat to survive. The Puma is one of the top levels in the food chain, and without them, there would be a surplus in things like deer, and cattle.

The current population of the Puma in Florida is 50 as of 1999. Because of hostility toward the animal due to its reputation, highways being built through out the state, unsuccessful breeding, road-kills and contimination of their food and land. It is thought that in the next 30 years, the species will die out completely without people stepping in.

The amount of money being spent to save the species was not disclosed. A few breeding facilities have been set up in Florida to preserve the species, unfortunately, to the government saving the cougar is of very low status to them. Thankfully, the LIOC ( Endangered Species Conservation Federation) and the American Association of Zoo Keepers, and the Exotic Feline Educational Society have been trying to take steps to increase awareness about the endangerment of the Puma.

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