Olivia Benson Related To Psychology

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In one particular episode, Benson went undercover to find a rapist inside of a women’s prison facility. The male correction officer who was raping these women, ended up groping, physically, and verbally abusing her, as well as trying to force her to give him oral sex. If it wasn’t for Detective Odafin Tutuola, played by Ice-T, who was also undercover in the facility, she would have been raped, and maybe even more. This caused Benson to develop a terrible case of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. She started to have panic attacks, trouble sleeping, as well as nightmares. She eventually received counseling for this and it has helped tremendously. In counseling, Olivia is not only able to discuss the trauma that she undergo within the women's facility, but is also able to express her feelings about her past abuse, as well as express her anger towards her father for raping her mother. She now knows not only how to avoid a rape situation but how to teach it to other individuals. I’ve noticed that whenever Benson is put in an uncomfortable situation, she turns into a different person, someone who is much more assertive as well as aggressive. I believe that's also a sign of another defense mechanism, (a mental process initiated to avoid conscious conflict or anxiety). Benson …show more content…

He beats and tortures her with cigarettes and wire hangers for four days. Moments before Lewis is about to rape her, Benson breaks free, handcuffs him and holds him at gunpoint. Because he continues to patronize her, she loses containment and begins to beat him senseless, within an inch of his life with a metal rod. She is rescued just moments later by her fellow detectives and is placed on mandatory leave in order to recover from such a traumatic experience. She ends up returning to work two months later, still shaken up by the occurrence to find out that William Lewis survived the attack and is awaiting

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