Oliver Queen's Assistant: A Short Story

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So far it had seemed like a productive day, Talia had made her final move to Starling City from the next city over, River View, for a job interview and a chance at a new life. However, it wasn’t just a job interview; it was for a placement at Queen Industries. Well, the placement wasn’t as one would think. The job advertised was for an assistant. Talia had been in several admin roles for several years on and off. It was something that would have been all too easy; even if it was for a position for Oliver Queen’s assistant. Talia had to practically barge her way into the office for the interview. Despite being head hunted for the position, it seemed they were open to applications. As soon as Talia was filled in on her official role she learned that she had been specifically picked after being watched for some time, the others were simply making it seem real. Oliver Queen was attractive, that was needless to say. He was handsome, not to mention he’d returned recently from surviving on an island, alone. What was more attractive than a man who could survive nature? It seemed many single, attractive women felt the same. No doubt that was the cover reason for Moira Queen picking her son’s assistant, to find someone for the brains and not the alluring outer shell that would’ve lured in her son. However, …show more content…

It seemed to be the only place she could afford to live. Of course there was a bad reputation, but it wasn’t as if she had much of a choice. Sara had ended up in hospital after a freak car accident. Her joints and muscles gave her endless grief, but they couldn’t seem to figure out what was wrong with her. It seemed they were more than happy to keep on providing care for her pain, at a cost. A cost Talia needed to pay. Sara had tried without pain relief for some months; it was the worst months of both of their lives. Talia decided that she would do anything to provide Sara with the treatment she

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