Older People In Prison

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The number of older prisoners is growing rapidly, growth driven by longer sentences and more late-in-life prosecutions for historic sex offences. (Prison Reform, 2015) Due to this more people are growing old in prisons and therefore dying in prisons. The aim of this briefing paper is to discuss whether the needs of older people in prisons are adequately met, to do this health care services and after prison care will be discussing to decide whether these areas adhere to an older prisoner needs. Prison sentencing are continuously getting longer, it is known that average prison sentences are now 4 months longer than 10 years ago at 16.4 months. For more serious crimes the average sentence is now 20 months longer than 10 years ago at 57.1 months. …show more content…

(Baidawi & Trotter, 2016, pp 356) 59% of older prisoner’s report having a long-standing disability or illness. (Prison Reform, 2016, pp 22) Although advances have been made in many jurisdictions for health care, targeted programming and specialist facilities to improve care for older prisoners it remains a key challenge for service providers. (Baidawi & Trotter, 2016. pp 355) services available for older people in prisons throughout England and wales has been under review since 2004, at this time an inspection found that physical design of prisons limited access to certain areas of the prison to older people. When inspected again in 2008 only 3 prisons had policy specifying the needs of older prisoners. (Senior et al, 2013, pp 3) A prison reform report in 2016 has said that ‘people aged 50 or older are more likely to say they had been victimized because of their disability. (Prison Reform, 2016, pp 23) older prisoners are also at a greater risk of becoming isolated with the prison environment and are also less likely to have social support through their time in prison, this puts them at great risk of developing mental health difficulties. (Senior et al, 2013, pp

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