Olaudah Equiano Essay

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In comparison to other slaves that are discussed over time, Olaudah Equiano truly does lead an ‘interesting’ life. While his time as a slave was very poor there are certainly other slaves that he mentions that received far more damaging treatment than he did. In turn this inspires him to fight for the abolishment of slavery. By pointing out both negative and positive events that occurred, the treatment he received from all of his masters, the impact that religion had on his life and how abolishing slavery could benefit the future of everyone as a whole; Equiano develops a compelling argument that does help aid the battle against slavery. For Olaudah Equiano’s life journey expressed an array of cruelties that came with living the life of an Obviously they are not the same positives or opportunities that a free white man might receive but they were slightly better than the suffering that came from being an abused slaved. There were rare slave owners that allowed for some of their slaves to have a sense of ‘freedom’ or equality. For example, Mr. King one of Olaudah’s masters gave him more freedom throughout his time there. Which gives Olaudah several opportunities to buy his freedom. The hope brings out a lot about his character, his determination and work ethic shine through, in turn these are desirable traits that slave owners were looking for. Meaning Olaudah was passed around several masters and majority of them were indicating that he could buy out his freedom, unfortunately, they were lying and Olaudah was sold to the others. The negatives of Olaudah’s life also provides him the chance to ponder the ‘happier times’. For instance, back in his original village he discussed their religion, customs and his family. He seemed to have fairly peaceful memories of them. The optimist view that Olaudah has for his future, is inspiring. He finds friendship with Richard Baker, and even begins to become affectionate towards some of the kinder masters and crew mates he had. A trait that makes him a significant face in abolishing slavery. He saw that there could be a brighter future, especially if you worked hard and treated people When it comes to slavery, it in and of itself is negative. Cruelty is everywhere; either within the trade ships, the abuse from the owners and just ‘non-slaves’ in general. There is war and battles that took place that Olaudah was forced to fight in. He witnessed men being blown up in front of him as he himself was given one of the more dangerous jobs. Being on the ship, Olaudah met people from all different countries. He found that some were fairly nice including the British and Spanish crew men, however, men like that were very few. More often than not, the authority on the ship and in the cities that Olaudah visited were vicious. The stories he shares of the slaves begging on the ships for the scraps and suffering from illness. The horror of it all heightens Olaudah’s desire to aid the fight of abolishing slavery. Whether he was the one suffering for the abuse or he was witnessing it happen; his dream of men being equal to bring themselves closer to god was bright in his

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