Officer Mental Health

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The Importance of Physical and Mental Health Anyone that wants to become a police officer must be both physically and mentally prepared. They will take on a huge responsibility and must know exactly what to do. Not just anyone can become an officer, it actually takes someone that will be able to focus on its jobs duties. Police officers have physically active jobs and it is important that they be in top physical health in order to perform their job to the best of their abilities. Physical fitness in many police departments is required that their officers be in top physical conditioning. The police academy is made up of more than half of conditioning. You are required to do everything the correct way in order to pass the academy. In order to do that it first starts off with being physically prepared. Another important benefit of being physically fit is that, often, the mere appearance of fitness might deter an attack. …show more content…

Another important aspect as to being a police officer, is not allowing stress get in the way of their daily routine. Being mentally prepared is as important as being physically prepared. The greatest threat to officers’ mental fitness is negative stress. Stress is known to be very high in police officers jobs. They must try to maintain their stress levels low as many of them then get into a depression. That is where, many officers begin to get involved in alcohol and, begin to forget about their families at home. Many officers do commit suicide from everything going on at work and at home. It is highly important to know that working for law enforcement, does interfere a lot with social and home

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