Offensive Neorealism Essay

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World War II was the most devastating war in the world’s history, causing an immense amount of death, due to both battle and genocide. That being said, what marked the end of said war was the United States of America’s bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan (Frieden et al. 23). Prior to this, what had compelled the United States to take action in the war was the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 (Frieden et al. 22). To add, during the time of the United States joining the war, they had developed and “first tested [the atomic bomb] in New Mexico on July 16, 1945. (The Atomic Bombings). Subsequently after Germany had surrendered in the war, in July, “Japan’s militarist government rejected the Allied demand for surrender put forth in …show more content…

Both of these are international relations theories. International relations theories aid the individual in better understanding why states behave the way in which they do and “several major schools of thought are discernable, differentiated principally by the variables they emphasize” (Slaughter 1). That being said, to understand offensive neorealism, one must firstly be able to know the basis of realism in itself, as well as differentiate neorealism from neoclassical realism. Stephen G. Brooks argues in his article “Dueling Realisms” that both “neorealism and postclassical realism do share important similarities: both have a systemic focus; both are state-centric; both view international politics as inherently competitive; both emphasize material factors, rather than nonmaterial factors, such as ideas and institutions; and both assume states are egoistic actors that pursue self-help” (Brooks 446). Structural realism is another term for neorealism, and both will be used interchangeably in the following case study. Aside from these shared values that both reflect, the two forms of realism both present very different or conflicting views on state behaviour. For one, neorealists believe “the international system is defined by anarchy—the absence of a central authority” (Slaughter 2) and that states take action based on the possibility of conflict, always looking at a worst-case scenario, whereas postclassical realists believe that states make decisions and take actions based on the probability of an attack or act of aggression from other states (Brooks 446). To expand on neorealism’s possibility outlook, Kenneth Waltz argues, “in the absence of a supreme authority [due to anarchy], there is then constant possibility that conflicts will be settled by force” (Brooks 447). Neorealists look at the possibility of conflict due to the potential cost of war, due to

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