Offender Profile Essay

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according the method of police officer when they in criminal investigation, it have one method name of offender profile. Offender profile is start from nineteen century in America, in that time, one guy put the bomb in different area of New York, it made so many more injured events, police officers all did not know how to caught this guy, because they did not had any clues about this guy, just have some letter about this guy provoked police officer, so they invited one criminal psychiatrist to investigated this case, this psychiatrist found out the features of the offender, finally they caught the offender successful.

“Offender profile can be defined as: the criminal behavior of offender to inference the process of their personality characteristics …show more content…

"The conventional foreign literature research is focused on discussing what is crime profiling, how to implement criminal profiling , under what circumstances to use the criminal profiling, but did not provide empirical evidence to support a criminal profiling how the specific implementation, the most FBI investigators get more and more critical, because most of them are based on case discussion paper way, full of their personal experience in handling and color is rich narrative.” (Fan, 2015). Indeed, many psychiatrist provide the offender profile to police officer, although they say this offender profile is based on many crime scene evidence or criminology theories, it just their individual opinion, it is full of their subjectivity thinking. If need to prove the offender profile right or wrong, just can catch the suspect first, after that to prove the offender profile. Once had a continuous rape case, according the confessions of the most victims, the suspect would caress from their top of head to the last of hair, in this way, the psychiatrist of this case, mention that the suspect is keep a dog, the support is the caress of the suspect is more like to caress the dog, the suspect will do like that because due to his habits. But this is no objectivity,that psychiatrist just presumes that by his own knowledge, maybe he like the hair of women, but why must be keep the dog. Finally the suspect did not keep the

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