Off Stage Creative Writing

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A roaring applause erupted from the seating area of the Hard Rock Cafe as the performing band walked off stage. That meant one thing; we were next. My stomach felt like it was jumping up and down on a trampoline. I had only been playing guitar for two years at this point and this was my first time ever performing live. My bandmates and I were standing in the lobby waiting on the call for us to come on stage. The rest of the night had gone so fast, but whenever our instructor, Miles, signaled to us that it was our turn, the next few seconds felt like an eternity.
Guitar over my shoulder, I started to walk towards the ramp that lead up to the stage. In front of me was a giant mob of people that resembled a forest with trees so high and thick throughout that you couldn’t see the other side. We started to plod through the crowd. My shoes became heavy chains, dragging me down as I attempted to move forward. Once on stage, I glanced out at the crowd I was performing for. It couldn’t have been for more than a mere second or two, but it felt like minutes. I could see nothing but faces scattered throughout the building. There were so many people in every direction I looked and they all looked the same to me. The loud chattering mixed with music playing in the background added to the excited ambience in …show more content…

I grabbed the amp cord off of the floor and plugged it into my guitar as I stared at my feet, heart beating faster and faster. I glanced nervously at the rest of the band and they all had the same blank, nervous expression on their faces. My brain was going haywire trying to quickly go over my lyrics and chords, however, it suddenly stopped when I felt Miles’s hand on my shoulder. I turned around and he asked me if I was ready. Just as I nodded, he grabbed the microphone and introduced the band. I blanked; I can’t recall a single thing he said until he let out a bellowing, “Are you ready for Wake-Up

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