Redefining Traditional Marriage Roles in Western Society

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For as long as we can remember, the idea that marriage is sacred, desirable, and even necessary has persisted in the western world. In a way, society has taught us that in order to live a normal, fulfilled life, one must find their soul mate, marry them, and spend the rest of eternity together. According to tradition, a perfect marriage is characterized by a husband that goes to work every day while the wife remains within the home cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children. Tradition has further dictated that once the husband returns from work, the wife has dinner ready and the family sits down around the table to share a meal together. American literature is full of stories that both play on or challenge these traditional roles within a marriage. But, one might ask, does …show more content…

In "The Revolt of 'Mother, '" Sarah, unhappy with her husband 's decision to prioritize a new barn over a home for his family and his lack of understanding and willingness to discuss her feelings, seizes on an opportunity when her husband leaves the farm for a few days to seek out a new horse. While he is gone, Sarah and her children gather their belongings and move into the newly build barn, turning it into a home for their family. When Adoniram returns home, he is confused and upset that his wife made such a decision while he is gone. However, when he takes time to sit alone and reflect, he comes to understand that he was mistaken to not listen to his wife 's concerns and begins to weep as he sees what a new home means to his wife. This revelation gives the reader hope that Adoniram and Sarah both can move forward with the realization that good communication and allowing the wife to have a say in decision making, even if that is not traditionally how things are done, will lead to a much happier and more fulfilling

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