Of Nancy Mairs And David Sedaris A Plague Of Disabilities

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Eric Norton English 101 Essay #3 (Rough Draft) March 3, 2014 Title (TBD) Disability they have, but styles to tell are more of difference. Nancy Mairs and David Sedaris use writing to address their disability in different ways. In both Nancy Mairs “On Being a Cripple” and David Sedaris “A Plague of Tics”, both authors describe and live with their disabilities in different ways. Mairs uses her familiarity to address the reader where Sedaris recollects his habits in a somewhat humorous way. Even though both have a disability it’s conveyed in two different ways. Mairs comes straight out the gate as being cripple stating “First, the matter of semantics. I am cripple” (Cohen 259). From this point on she goes on to explain her disease which gives you an idea of what’s to come. Sedaris approach is very different as he jumps into examples throughout his childhood and never states his disability. His habits are explained as “tics” while he uses his childhood experiences to describe his disability. Both essays discuss the lives of someone living with a disability (Not to be confused Mairs is a self-labeled “cripple”) and the ways of addressing their disability is different between the two of them. Mairs gives herself a label for readers to reference before going into detail about her actual disease multiple sclerosis—from the start. On the other hand Sedaris starts off his essay with a specific incident pertaining to his disability. He describes an interaction with his teacher regarding her annoyance with his habits he describes later on in his essay as “tics”. Throughout the essay Sedaris never states his disorder or even that he has a disability. He continuously uses his experiences to describe his issues rather than actual definition... ... middle of paper ... ...ewhat less thoughtful. Instead of a message to the reader, Sedaris uses his experiences living with a disability to modestly reveal his style of writing. While describing his disability he reflects his sarcastic style of writing. I don’t think that “A Plague of Tics” Sedaris merely uses wit to describe his personality rather than the change it has made in his life. These two essays are about two dissimilar disabilities. Nancy Mairs and David Sedaris act as examples of how an author’s writing can change the tone and meaning of a narrative. Mairs message was educational and encouraging as she explained her life with MS and how society sees her. Sedaris use of experience and memories portrays his life with obsessive-compulsive disorder; what he calls “tics”. These two writers take similar topics and pitch them in ways so the reader can see the illustration behind them.

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