Of Music By Boethius Summary

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Of Music: Understanding the Text
1. Boethius begins the essay by writing about the other senses, especially sight, before introducing the topic of music because our actions we part take are “not so obvious” why the way we are when we are listening to music and using our senses. The similarity of music and the senses are not so easy to comprehend our actions under the influence of music and the knowledge of our senses.
2. According to Boethius, the kind of music gives us pleasure when it is sweet and well-ordered melodies. Classical music and slow melodies should be produce the most pleasure. The kinds of music should produce the least are unordered and incoherent.
3. Boethius say that music is related to morality as the human nature. Music …show more content…

The kinds of modern music might Boethius view as “lascivious” would be classical music, and musical music. As “prudent and modest” music would be dubstep and punk rock music.
5. Yes, I do agree with Boethius’s assertion that “there is no greater path whereby instruction comes to the mind that through the ear.” The kinds of things that music without words can teach us are the tones and messages of the music. The effect of adding words to music can be changing our point of view of the tones and messages of the music.
6. Boethius believes the kind of music should be promoted are classical and musical songs. The kind of music should be discouraged are loud and incoherent music as punk rock, dubstep, rap and many more. The reasoning why Boethius believes classical and musical music bring people together and give a calming state of mind to people compare to punk rock and rap music would bring violence and disordered mayhem to the people.
7. The purpose of the story of Taormine and Pythagoras is that music does at times effect people to go towards to a different path. The other stories that he tells support his argument are that incoherent music influences the mind to choose a violent course of action than a peaceful course of action from listening soothing

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