Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

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Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck George and Lennies dream to buy a ranch of their own is a powerful symbol of the 'American Dream'. With reference to specific characters in the novel, to what extent is Steinbeck protesting to the attitudes and values of the time? The book is set in the time of the depression. There was no work, no benefits so the unemployed had to make do with what they could find. For many this meant travelling many miles for simple jobs with low pay. You were lucky if you could find a job. There was panic as people tried to get their money. Companies and banks disappeared overnight. At this time 14million people were unemployed. The government took many people's homes away as bills could not be paid, people were forced on the streets and many starved. There was no hope in people's lives except for the 'American Dream'. This was that someday they would be rich and famous and they would get there if they worked hard enough. Millions each with its own variation shared this dream. This stayed just a hope until a new light was shone. California 'The Golden State' brought new hope in to peoples lives. There were many jobs available, but even these were low paid with long hours. People didn't care all they knew was this was a chance for them to pull themselves up and out of poverty. Thousands of people flocked to California with high hopes but jobs went quick and pay got lower and lower. The 'Golden State' was soon swamped with refugees. George and Lennie are two migrant workers with the same dream. They one day want their own plot so they can 'live off the fatta the lan' and not have to work for anyone else. Lenn... ... middle of paper ... ...will always be setbacks that will keep on stopping them and eventually take away even the hope of their dreams. For millions the 'American Dream' is just a myth its that last bit of hope left in their lives. That maybe someday they won't be forced to live in poverty and might actually have a decent life. America was in a really bad state, but the sad thing is the whole thing could have been prevented. If the government had introduced things like benefits it would never have got to the state it was in and hundreds of lives could have been saved. More people could have got jobs if an education system was introduced. And things like unemployment benefits could have saved families. But instead the government left the country to rebuild itself. While they sat and enjoyed their riches millions of people were suffering.

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