Of Mice And Men Bunkhouse Essay

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Out of the four settings displayed throughout the novella ‘Of Mice and Men ‘I will focus on the power dynamics that occur in the bunkhouse and Crooks’ room. I have chosen the Bunkhouse as it is a communal area where all the ranch workers live and sleep, therefore the characters can interact with each other freely here. It is also where all the characters are primarily introduced i.e. Slim’s dramatic first appearance, additionally Steinbeck uses the space as the location of many key scenes for example the planning of George, Candy and Lennie’s ‘dream farm’ occurs here. At the beginning of chapter 2, John Steinbeck portrays the bunkhouse as being a ‘long, rectangular building’. This therefore gives implication that the bunkhouse is narrow and lingering. This can also be applied to the lives of the ranch workers’ who are confined and destined to a boundless life of hardship and confined prospects. The interior consisted of ‘whitewashed walls and an unpainted floor’. This shows us that the interior is basic and unadorned, and its condition is not that which tends to be inhabitable by humans but attributed to the same conditions in which animals tend to live in. Furthermore this portrays the bunkhouse as a systematic and regulated place, almost prison-like. This also grants us a small insight to how the workers’ are regarded, and as very insignificant and almost like they are imprisoned not only in their surroundings but literally as they have to undertake this job to prevent being engulfed by the harsh economic times that occurred in the 1930s and ultimately from being among the desperately poor and destitute. The surroundings that the ranch workers reside in indicate that they are just regarded as a temporary source of... ... middle of paper ... ...hing’. Different characters throughout the novella manifest different aspects of American society as a whole but more importantly, the ranch society. John Steinbeck portrays numerous examples of power throughout the novella ‘Of Mice and Men’ in both the bunkhouse and Crooks’ room. Power can be exercised physically as well as intellectually, financially, socially and mentally. Some characters in the novella have power naturally thrust upon them for example Slim, whereas a vast majority of the others try to impose their power upon other characters for example Curley and Carlson, often the weaker characters such as Candy, Lennie and Curley’s Wife who are outcasts and face discrimination because of race, sex, physical/intellectual ability and age etc. Power can be displayed in both positive and negative manners, resulting in either positive or negative outcomes.

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