Of Mice And Men Alternate Ending Essay

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It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was coming through the windows so you could see the dust particles floating around. The birds were chirping, the chickens were eating, and the leaves of the trees were rustling from the breeze. But there was still a cloud cast over the farm, reminding the farmhands what had happened less than a day before. George sat on his bed with his face in his hands. He was replaying the memory in his head over and over. He could barely remember though, it was as if he had gone into shock the second he picked up the rifle. All he remembered was picking up the rifle, and the next thing he knew Lennie was just a heap of flesh on the mossy ground next to him. What had he done? He had killed his best friend in the whole …show more content…

At least I aint.” “That’s what I’m afraid of, someone tryin’ to stop me.” “Whose gonna try’n stop ya George?” “I dunno. But I don’t wanna find out. I need to get outta here” George walked out of Curley’s quarters swiftly and without saying a word. He walked back to his room, making sure to avoid the other workers for he knew they would try and talk to him. He got to his room and sighed. He didn’t have much to pack up so when he was done he went over to Lennie’s possessions and started to pack those up too. But he stopped himself abruptly. He knew he if he still had Lennie’s clothes and belongings on him while he went out to forget about Lennie, he would never be able to forget. He put Lennie’s stuff back and was on his way. He walked away. Far away. Far away from Curley, and Slim, and Candy, he walked for hours until he reached a little store on the side of the road. He went in started asking around about the area. He stuck up a conversation with a man that looked like he was in his early thirties. The man had light brown hair but had a funny smell coming off of him. “Any jobs you know ‘bout that need doin’?” George asked …show more content…

He steered the boat far out into the Pacific Ocean. He could barely see the docks when they dropped anchor. Linus came back to George and said, “I’ll work with you until you get it down, it might take a while but I’m sure you will get the hang of it.” He helped George cast a line out into the deep blue water and waited a few minutes. George was barely paying attention, thinking about Lennie, when he got a bite on his fishing rod. Linus instructed him to reel the fish in slowly at first, building up speed as the line got closer and closer. He finally pulled the fish out of the water and up onto the

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