Oedipus Rex Quote Analysis

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“One of life’s greatest challenge is to control oneself” (Kazi Shams). Not everyone can control themselves. Some have an easier time than others. Some have a longer fuse on their temper tantrums. It is life’s greatest challenge to control how to react to things in your life. The play Oedipus fits this quote. The main character Oedipus gets abandoned by his family. Left for dead. Rescued by another family. In the coming years, he gets told by a prophet things he would much rather not hear. He runs away from this fears, causing them to come true. Everybody has the choice to control their life, how much they control is up to them. “He that led the way and the old man himself wanted to thrust me out of the road by force. I became angry and struck the coachman who was pushing me….my stick had struck him backwards from the car and he rolled out of it. And then I killed them all” (940-947). When tempers flare, our emotions tend to take over our mind. We react with actions we would not imagine doing when calm. Oedipus did not overcome his emotions here. He was furious about having the road taken over by somebody other than himself. He killed the man and his guards, knowing in the back of his mind that there was a prophecy that he would one day kill his father. If Oedipus …show more content…

Oedipus and his father have been separated from birth by a generation. Yet, having sex with the same woman. Also, marrying the same person. If Oedipus had any self control in himself, knowing there was a prophecy to yet come true, he would resist himself to marry his mother. Self control is the hardest thing to control in your life. It’s just you and your head thinking of what's good and bad. Sometimes the mind lets you take shortcuts that you don’t want to

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