Odysseus's Soliloquy

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As I sit here on this hillside, I watch the sun start to set and think about everything that has happened in the last few days. I can’t believe that it is mostly all over. I have finally returned home to Ithaca after 20 years. The battle with the suitors is now over, and I have won. Telemachus and my father are heading back to the palace now, where Penelope awaits for us. When I was originally reunited with Penelope, it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. Penelope has changed over the past 20 years and I don’t really know how I feel about her. I want to spend more time with Penelope. However, I don’t know if I can because of the way of our relationship. She has been acting weird lately and I was really surprised by her reaction when we were first reunited. She tested me and refused to believe that it is was me. I don’t understand why she would do this to me though. It’s not like her, I think she has changed over the years. The old Penelope would never have tested me if I just came back home after being gone for quite a while. I know I haven’t changed because of Eumaeus and Phil. Eumaeus, my loyal swineherd, is still obeying my commands. He even helped me in the attack of the suitors! When I originally told both of them that the beggar in disguise is me, they were both thrilled with my return. But, when I told Penelope I was home, she didn’t look very happy, she tested me. and refused to believe that it was me. Even though Penelope didn’t have a friendly reaction when I told her I was home, I know that everyone still likes me. King Alcinous for an example, he let me feast and stay at the island of for a while. He even helped me get back home to Ithaca! Circe was a lovely lady as well. She let me stay at her island for one ... ... middle of paper ... ... in the way. I really do have a problem because I am trying to spread information about me around. I guess when I first saw my father and tested him, I put him in a lot of pain. I like killed him for a few seconds before he came back to me. I feel really bad about this now. I wish I never had tested my father. But, by fighting next to him against the suitor’s relatives made it better. We both have a pride for fighting because it is something we are good at. And when Mentor stopped the war, I was really happy about that. I learned something about myself- when things are going great and my ego is big I do something stupid and mess up and it happens all over again. But then again, I shouldn’t have been surprised with the way Penelope treated me when we first were reunited. I am the one that changed over the past 20 years, not her. I gotta go apologize to Penelope.

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