Odysseus Vs Iliad Research Paper

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Homer was known as a great writer, being the author of both The Iliad and The Odysseus. Both story take place in a period of ten years, and many of the character are alike but are introduce under different names, depending on which story you are reading. The Odysseus make some reference at many time on character or even of The Iliad, mostly on the death of Achilles. Some say that The Odysseus would be the sequel to The Iliad, unlike most squeal that we find in our ear, even if the two stories where writing several years apart they have many similarities, which would be the reason why people would suggest that The Odyssey would be the sequel.
The Iliad is a breath taking tale,
The Iliad the gods are portrayed as being pretty backstabbing, …show more content…

When Poseidon punish Odysseus for blinding his son, Athena does not take revenge, even if she is very fond of the hero she respect Poseidon’ right to punish him. Homer take a different route in this tale he let Odysseus be the master of his own fate. Athena doesn’t help him when he is force to face the Cyclopes or when he pass through Skyla. Odysseus need to rely on his own resource, mental and physical, for most of the story. He not a sacrificial lamb of Zeus (like Patroclus) or a plaything of Aphrodite (like Paris). When Odysseus is in battle he doesn’t have a Olympians at his side, like Hector and Agamemnon had in The Iliad, well not until the very end where Athena help him a little bit in the mansard of the suitor.
In The Odysseus, thing are very different the gods, don’t interferes into the mortal affair, unless ask to. Such like when the Cyclopes invoke the wrath of his father Poseidon when he was blinded by Odysseus. Also the gods don’t see the mortals as pawns or pets. In fact the mortal have very little respect from the gods. (Many of Odysseus man being slay or the big bloodbath at the end when Odysseus return home.) Only if like by a god that a mortal have their respect. Athena never kill any of Odysseus love one, in other to motive him. Like Zeus did with Patroclus to provoke

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