Odysseus Personality In Homer's The Odyssey

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A person’s mental and physical attributes say a lot about a person. Personalities such as being intelligent and having muscle can have its downfalls. However, one of the main personality traits that can either help or hurt a person is a person’s pride. We see this in the Greek epic The Odyssey. In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus is well-known not only for his, muscle and physical attributes but also his intelligence, courage, and mental attributes and they are all equal when it becomes to the importance of Odysseus.
Homer does a lot when it comes to showing Odysseus’ personalities from his intellectual mind to his strength in his body. These attributes work in Odysseus’ favor, however, a lot of times they do not work in his favor. His main personality, …show more content…

“Cyclops, if any man asks how you came by your blindness, say that Odysseus, sacker of cities, Laertes ' son, a native of Ithaca, maimed you.” (Homer, Book 9, pg). Odysseus should have kept his mouth shut because Odysseus and his men were in the sea brilliantly escaping from Polyphemus but Odysseus ruined it. Again his pride was his weakness because Odysseus just wanted Polyphemus to know exactly who escaped from him and blinded him. When the men and Odysseus were facing the wrath of Poseidon it only prolonged their journey back to Ithaca and seeing Penelope. Odysseus is showing his pride once more right after he gets done with the Cyclops, Polyphemus, when Odysseus starts to boast about his archery skills and claims to be the best archer that anyone has ever seen. However, eventually Odysseus will learn to hold his pride because then as the audience this is the journey that he has to take to change before he returns to …show more content…

Odysseus is now able to hold his tongue, and be able to finally complete his journey of reclaiming his role as King Odysseus of Ithaca. Odysseus losing all his men on the Journey and fighting all the mental and physical ‘monsters’ along the way changed him. To be truthful if Odysseus had some of his men that survived and came back to Ithaca with him, Odysseus would not be as changed as he is now. If he was not alone when he came back to Ithaca he probably would not have been able to have the same plan that he had of getting into his house. Extra men would have been extra unnecessary weight he would have

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